



                        BROOKLYN ROAD:       from Rt. 30 to Spur Road


                        CHICAGO ROAD:           from Rt. 251 to the Village limits of Paw Paw


                        CORREGIDOR RD.:        from Rt. 30 to Sterling Road


INLET ROAD:                  from Rt. 30 to Green Wing Rd.


                        INLET ROAD:                             from just South of Fischer Quarry to Rock Rd


                        INLET ROAD:                 from Rt. 52 to Sublette Road


MOUND HILL RD.:        from Palmyra Road to ¼ mile south of Paris Road


NACHUSA ROAD:         from Rt. 38 to Route 52


                        NORTH BATAAN RD.:   from Corregidor Road to Subic Road


                        PAW PAW RD.:              from Rt. 30 to Paw Paw


PERRY RD.:                    from Rt. 251 to just East of I-39


ROCK ISLAND RD.:         from Dixon  to the Whiteside County Line


SUBIC ROAD:                   from North Bataan Road to South Bataan Road


                        SOUTH BATAAN RD.:    from Corregidor Road to Subic Road


                        SPUR RD.:                        from West Brooklyn Rd. to Rt. 251


STERLING RD.:                from Rt. 26 to Harmon


                        STERLING RD.:                from Rt. 26 to Walton Road


                        SHAW RD:                       from Brooklyn Rd. to Route 251


                        STEWARD RD.                from Perry Rd. to the Grain Elevator that is just North of Steward


STEWARD RD:                 from Rt. 30 to the Grain Elevator in the Village of Scarboro


                        WALTON RD:                  from Sterling Rd. to Village of Walton