Bid Letting Page






March 21, 2013



Sealed bids will be received in the office of the Lee County Engineer, 1629 Lee Center Road, Amboy, IL, until 9:00 AM, Monday, April 8, 2013, (at which time bids will be publicly opened) for the furnishing of materials and construction of the following County and Township Road Improvements:



1.         2013 TOWNSHIP Aggregate Surface Course, Type B - 4 Townships, 11,500 Tons            F.O.B. Quarry


2.         2013 TOWNSHIP Aggregate Surface Course, Type B - 3 Townships, 17,356 Tons            Furnish & Spread on Roadway



1.         2013 TOWNSHIP  Dust Pallative - 7 Townships, 113.75 Flake Tons Applied on    Roadway



1.         2013 COUNTY Metal Corrugated Culverts - SECTION 13-00000-02-GM, 12" to 48" Galvanized Metal Pipe Culverts & Connecting Bands, 650 ft. plus connecting bands, delivered to Lee County Highway Department Yard in Amboy, IL.



1.         2013 ALTO TOWNSHIP BITUMINOUS - SECTION 13-01000-01-GM, Patching of Variable Width & Length of Pavement of Paw Paw Road, from Perry Road North to Hayes Road; 373 Tons of Bituminous Mixture Complete, 344 Gals Bit. Mat'l. (Prime), 4 Tons of Agg. (Prime Coat), 80 Tons of Agg. Shoulders, T-B, 250 Ft. of Short-Term Pav't. Marking.



1.         2013 DIXON TOWNSHIP BITUMINOUS - SECTION 13-07000-01-GM, Paving of Variable Width of Pavement of the Following Roadways: Crestview Heights Subdivision(0.7 MILES), Shadow Woods Subdivision(0.9 MILES), Hunter's Ridge Subdivision(0.3 MILES), Grand Detour Road from IL Route 2 to Bend Road(1.0 MILES), Bend Road from Grand Detour Road to White Oaks Lane(1.7 MILES), Bluff Road(0.3 MILES); 7,114 Tons of Bituminous Mixture Complete, 2,864 Gals Bit. Mat'l. (Prime), 58 Tons of Agg. (Prime Coat), 1,227 Ft. of Short-Term Pav't. Marking.



1.         2013 PALMYRA TOWNSHIP BITUMINOUS - SECTION 13-16000-01-GM, Paving of Variable Width of Mound Hill Road, from IL Route 2 South a distance of 0.7 MILES; 1,103 Tons of Bituminous Mixture Complete, 443 Gals of Bit. Mat'l. (Prime), 9 Tons of Agg. (Prime Coat), 217 Tons of Agg. Shoulders, T-B, 259 Ft. of Short-Term Pav't. Marking.



1.         2013 COUNTY AGGREGATE - SECTION 13-00000-04-GM, Aggregate Surface Course, Type B - 5,000 Tons    F.O.B. Quarry.




Proposals are available at the office of The County Engineer, 1629 Lee Center Road, Amboy, IL  61310.  Telephone 815-857-4141.  All contractors must be IDOT Pre-Qualified to request a bid package.  All bidders must fax a "Certificate of Eligibility" to the Lee County Highway Department prior to receiving bid proposals and specifications.  Bid documents will be available for a non-refundable $5.00 per package.






February 28, 2013



Sealed bids will be received in the office of the Lee County Engineer, 1629 Lee Center Road, Amboy, IL, until 9:00 AM, Monday, March 11, 2013, (at which time bids will be publicly opened) for the furnishing of materials and construction of the following County and Township Road Improvements:



1.         2013 TOWNSHIP Seal Coat - 17 Townships, 46.2 Miles, Bituminous Surface Treatment, Class A-1


2.         2013  TOWNSHIP Seal Coat - 4 Townships, 4.9 Miles, Bituminous Surface Treatment, Class A-2



3.         2013  COUNTY Seal Coat & Patch - SECTION 13-00000-00-GM, 8.1 Miles, Bituminous Surface Treatment, Class A-1



All Bidders, in addition to being prequalified by IDOT, must fax a "Certificate of Eligibility" to the Lee County Highway Department prior to receiving bid plans and specifications. Proposals are available at the Office of the County Engineer, 1629 Lee Center Road, Amboy, IL 61310. Telephone 815-857-4141, Telefax 815-857-4242.  Bid documents will be available for a non-refundable $5.00 per package.


To see the Bidder List for the above lettings – click this link ->  Bidder List



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